I also found my wedding dress. Its lovely and I can't wait to walk down the aisle in it :* I've gotten pretty used to our apartment and its finally started to feel more like home. I've also discovered dance central which has been sucking up all my free time since Christmas lol. Yes, I may be addicted to it and we may need to have an intervention soon D:
I attempted to purchase a booth at a local craft store called Craftique but they want a seriously large amount of money each month that I'm afraid to sign a contract for. Its not that I don't think I would make my money back to cover the cost of the booth each month but that I'm scared I won't make much profit after that :/ While no one else in the location sells anything like what I make it seems its more for selling "antiques" and costume jewelry than charms and decoden items lol. Sigh, I guess I should at least try right :] Who knows, I could bring the business!
I also attempted to get a table at SanJapan , the local anime convention in my city but alas it sold out in 30 mins. I honestly cried when I found out since I'd missed my chance by 10 min. They only had 30 table though so I guess what else could I expect right. Next year I will get one though!! (Although, I think I said that last year too hahaha)
I sold charms at work for Christmas and made a little bit of money at least and my etsy shop has seemed to pick up a little bit :D I did do my first "trade" too, however, I haven't received my half of it yet. I'm starting to get worried :S I think I'm to gullible some times ^^' Hopefully, having said that, it will arrive tomorrow *crosses fingers* Anyways, here's a little pic of my charm tray at work!

I had signs all over it and one that said "great stocking stuffers" that everyone teased me about but hey its true! Cute little things like that are awesome to find if you give out stockings or get them! My future mother-in-law does awesome stuff like that lol and I look forward to that damn stocking every year xD I sold a WHOLE lot more than I did last year at the door though so that made me happy. It made me feel like I've improved somewhat. Some people even asked if I had bought them to sell which I guess in a way is a backhanded compliment no?
A friend of mine also commissioned me to make some charms for him as well, an otter, a raccoon, and a turtle. Since it had been a while since I'd made any animals I went crazy and made a whole bunch (which I'm still painting lol)
My GaiaOnline clay thread seems to be going well. I've got a few good lurkers and friends in there sharing their works and techniques with each other. Kawaii Clay Charms is what its called and if you have an account you should really check it out. Lots of helpful charm making tips and what not going on in there :] I post a new tutorial every month and have a small little themed contest as well, although those don't seem to be going smoothly ^^'
I guess I'll close this post out with my 2010 art summary to show my "improvement" over the year in my clay skills, I think it can best be seen in my steampunk works ;D

I hope y'all have a Happy New Year. My new years resolution for this blog is to make it more clay craft helpful lol like my gaiaonline thread. Wish me luck!