The fashion show really wasn't what I had hoped it would be but I did get some exposure *shrug* Only about a third of the promised amount of people actually showed up :P It was fun though. I made some new friends there :] I learned that children generally like my charms and small children want to eat them O_o' I've purchased a table for Epikon, an anime convention that will be taking place in January of 2011. I think I'll sell a whole lot better there :D Again, I'm super excited and have lots of ideas for products I'd like to make. I'm also attempting to sew my own lolita costume ^^' Wish me luck xD
I finally made the sushi charms I've been threatening to do forever! They were a pain to make! I tried to follow a tutorial that made it all look so incredibly easy...LIES I say!! Okay, maybe they weren't that hard but still...I don't know if I'll want to try a third batch (yes third..)Some of my clay was kind of hard while I tried to roll them into the cane to cut. Next time I think I'll try adding some of that clay softening liquid :3
They turned out pretty good I think. Not bad for the first and second attempts. I think I like my black ones better than the green ones ;D The crying one and the kissy face sushies are my favorites. The back of the crying one got all messed up when I was cutting it so his emotion I think are pretty accurate xD
Also, I decided it was time to take better pictures of my products. I played around with angles and props to try and make the photos more interesting and click worthy. I'm proud of my macroon photo the most lol.

As you can see I still have to work on my lighting >< I can't seem to find a bright enough light-bulb for my lamp. I guess I'm gonna have to bring over my architecture lamp from my parents house. I think the fork and the doily give it character though. In the individual shots I even placed the macroons on small doll house plates hahaha.
I plan on updating this blog hopefully most than once a month. I'm going to shoot for once a here's hoping! Keep your fingers crossed! Oh, and if you have a GaiaOnline account I have a thread in the Craft and Textiles Forum called Kawaii Clay Charms You should come check it out! Its full of other people who love cute charms and tips and trick on how to make 'em!!
Until next post, take care :]
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