Saturday, August 28, 2010

A New Semester

School has started! My last semester has started! Well, unless I can get an internship in the spring my last semester has started!! I'm excited. So far the year is a good one, granted its only been one week lol. I've mostly gotten over my copycat rant...I know I know, let is go :P

Well, sadly since its a new semester that means less time to devote to charms, I hope to crank out a few on the weekends but I can't promise anything. I did however finally get around to making a zombie related charm xD Behold! Zombie Cupcakes GO Rawr *drum roll*

I think they're cute. Phase II of zombie cupcakes will be better including things I forgot to put on these that I meant too lol (eg..blood splatter possibly some wiggly worms)

I finally got around to making those waffles I've been threatening to do. They didn't turn out as well as I had hoped but eh they're decent :D I haven't quite gotten the hand of the whole "browning" with pastels down yet and I can't find any fimo liquid clay thus my un-clear syrup :P

Finding the right shade of brown was difficult too. My first try restulted in chocolate instead of maple syrup xD I also attempted to get fancy and make heart shaped ones as well..not good times is all I've got to say about that matter lol! Once I've got a worthy batch I'll be sure to post them for y'all to see. Until then, take care!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Annoyed (rant)

So, I never thought it would happen to me but it seems I have a charm copy cat. There is a thin line between making something your own and flat out copying and I feel like that line is being crossed. I don't mind if you look at my work and fashion yours after it but at least give credit where credit is due. Don't flat out post your work claiming it your own creation and then ask for my opinion on it...honestly...that's just embarrassing!

Of course I'm flattered that someone liked my work so much they thought they would try it out for themselves, however, I'm annoyed that they would try to pass it off as their own. No, they didn't steal my images which I am grateful for (and now I have to go an play ugly watermarks all over for fear of that happening) but they copy my creations almost to exact likeness. *sigh* I don't like complaining because I feel it really doesn't solve anything. blarg!

I guess I should be thankful that they tried to make their rain cloud look slightly different :P And no...making it a necklace doesn't mean its different because the original is a cell charm :P

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Chocolate Chip Cookie Overload

So...yeah I believe I've gone a little bit overboard with the cookies!!! The cookies have taken over!!! I'm really happy with how they all turned out. I made some cute little stud earrings. I thought it was time to back off the dangles for a while lol. I also made some super cute adjustable rings as well as badge reels :D

Things have been so crazy. My last semester of collage is about to start so I'm super excited and nervous all at the same time! I went in to speak with my Support work advisor and he helped me feel more positive about my career options. The only thing that sucks is that I have to get my masters before I can actually get a job in an archaeology related field :P

There was big drama last night between me and my carpet. I spilled a HUGE pile of white paint all over my apartment floor yesterday and called my mother crying because I couldn't think of how to get it out. Needless to say a trip to CVS and 2 shamwows later it was all gone ^_^'

My AC is hopefully fixed. After a whole month of bitching they finally came, took the unit apart, and finally fixed it! Yay, cold air!! I also have a nice long conversation with the repair man about Batman, Marvel/DC comics, and Joss Whedon. It was unexpected and cool all at the same time :D Geeks unite!!

I finally got purchased my table for Epikon. I'm excited. I hope I do well there. You can look me up in their forum. My username, of course, is ZombiesGoRawr. I made some cute ID/Badge Reels because I don't like the plain looking ones I see most people wearing. The chocolate chip cookies are the first ones I've made / prototypes lol. I tried to make some Sailor Moon Zodiac ones but...well...they didn't turn out as AWESOME as I had hoped lol. I think maybe I should try and paint those or try resin *ponders*

So, I guess that's if for today :) Did I make it to 2 posts this month?!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

It Went By So Fast!

I can't believe that it's already August! Where did the summer go? What did I do with it? Lol, almost nothing which is so very sad :( Alas, I guess that's what happens when you grow up. I did enjoy this summer though. Lost of good things have happened.

The fashion show really wasn't what I had hoped it would be but I did get some exposure *shrug* Only about a third of the promised amount of people actually showed up :P It was fun though. I made some new friends there :] I learned that children generally like my charms and small children want to eat them O_o' I've purchased a table for Epikon, an anime convention that will be taking place in January of 2011. I think I'll sell a whole lot better there :D Again, I'm super excited and have lots of ideas for products I'd like to make. I'm also attempting to sew my own lolita costume ^^' Wish me luck xD

I finally made the sushi charms I've been threatening to do forever! They were a pain to make! I tried to follow a tutorial that made it all look so incredibly easy...LIES I say!! Okay, maybe they weren't that hard but still...I don't know if I'll want to try a third batch (yes third..)Some of my clay was kind of hard while I tried to roll them into the cane to cut. Next time I think I'll try adding some of that clay softening liquid :3

They turned out pretty good I think. Not bad for the first and second attempts. I think I like my black ones better than the green ones ;D The crying one and the kissy face sushies are my favorites. The back of the crying one got all messed up when I was cutting it so his emotion I think are pretty accurate xD

Also, I decided it was time to take better pictures of my products. I played around with angles and props to try and make the photos more interesting and click worthy. I'm proud of my macroon photo the most lol.

As you can see I still have to work on my lighting >< I can't seem to find a bright enough light-bulb for my lamp. I guess I'm gonna have to bring over my architecture lamp from my parents house. I think the fork and the doily give it character though. In the individual shots I even placed the macroons on small doll house plates hahaha.

I plan on updating this blog hopefully most than once a month. I'm going to shoot for once a here's hoping! Keep your fingers crossed! Oh, and if you have a GaiaOnline account I have a thread in the Craft and Textiles Forum called Kawaii Clay Charms You should come check it out! Its full of other people who love cute charms and tips and trick on how to make 'em!!

Until next post, take care :]